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发布时间:2024-10-07 00:49
本文摘要:The chairman of HSBC has said that regulators in China and elsewhere are starting to consider more seriously whether technology companies that provide financial services should, like banks, be regulated more heavily.汇丰银行(HSBC)董事长范智廉(Douglas Flint)回应,中国和其他国家的监管者于是以开始更加坦率地考虑到否应付获取金融服务的科技公司展开更加严苛的监管。

The chairman of HSBC has said that regulators in China and elsewhere are starting to consider more seriously whether technology companies that provide financial services should, like banks, be regulated more heavily.汇丰银行(HSBC)董事长范智廉(Douglas Flint)回应,中国和其他国家的监管者于是以开始更加坦率地考虑到否应付获取金融服务的科技公司展开更加严苛的监管。The comment from the chairman of one of the world’s biggest lenders underlines the risk for large technology groups such as Alibaba in China and Apple in the US that they could face stricter regulation as they move further into financial services.来自全球仅次于银行之一董事长的这番言论,突显出中国的阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和美国的苹果(Apple)等大型科技集团所面对的风险:随着它们之后进占金融服务领域,它们有可能面对更加严苛的监管。

Douglas Flint said in a speech at Cass Business School in London on Thursday: “Regulators all around the world are reflecting on the extent that internet companies are providing banking services and whether they should be regulated as such, or whether they are just providing access to banking services.”范智廉周四在伦敦卡斯商学院(Cass Business School)的一次演说中称之为:“全球监管机构于是以考虑到互联网公司获取银行业服务的范围以及否应付它们不严监管或者它们否只是为用于银行业服务获取途径。”But he said: “My view is that most technology companies will want to be partners of banks” because they would find the extra “burden of regulation” — such as compliance and anti-money laundering rules — is “not something they want to take on”.但他回应:“我指出,大多数科技公司期望沦为银行的合作伙伴”,因为它们指出更好的“监管开销”(例如合规和反洗钱规定)“并非他们期望分担的”。He also called for regulators to address the questions around the use of consumers’ financial data. “The big public policy question that you all should be thinking about is who owns your data, how safe is it and who is responsible if it goes wrong.他还敦促监管机构解决问题有关利用客户金融数据的问题。

“你们都不应思维的一个根本性的公共政策问题是谁享有你们的数据、数据否安全性以及如果数据安全出有了问题谁回应负责管理。”Responding to a question on the competitive challenge HSBC faces in China from technology companies such as Alibaba and Tencent, Mr Flint said: “That is a good question and one that Chinese authorities are starting to grapple with.”在被问及汇丰在中国面对来自阿里巴巴和腾讯(Tencent)等科技公司的竞争挑战的问题时,范智廉问:“这个问题问得好,中国政府于是以开始解决问题这个问题。

”The HSBC chairman works closely with Chinese regulators as an adviser to the mayors of both Beijing and Shanghai. He is also chairman of the Institute of International Finance, which interacts with regulators and policymakers on behalf of 500 of the world’s biggest financial institutions.作为北京和上海市长的顾问,范智廉正与中国监管机构密切合作。他还兼任国际金融协会(Institute of International Finance)主席,该协会代表全球仅次于的500家金融机构与监管机构和政策制定者交流。In June, Alibaba’s financial affiliate company launched MYBank, its internet bank, with executives pledging to use the Chinese ecommerce group’s vast amounts of customer data to target lending to small businesses. That followed the launch in January of WeBank, an internet lending joint venture led by Tencent.今年6月,阿里巴巴的金融子公司发售在线银行网商银行(MYbank),其高管允诺将利用这家中国电商集团的大量客户数据,将贷款射击小企业。今年1月,腾讯发售在线贷款合资公司微众银行(WeBank)。

In the US and Europe, Apple has moved into the payments market by launching Apple Pay to let customers pay for goods using their phones, while Google and Facebook are also building up their financial services offerings.在美国和欧洲,苹果已进占缴纳领域,发售Apple Pay,客户可以用手机为商品缴付,谷歌(Google)和Facebook也在发售各自的金融服务产品。Many bankers hope that their market position will be protected from the challenge of technology groups both by the barrier of extra regulation and the belief that consumers will not trust internet groups to protect their financial data.很多银行人士期望,更好的监管壁垒以及指出消费者会坚信互联网公司不会维护他们的金融数据的观点,不会让银行的市场地位不不受科技公司挑战的影响。

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