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双语科技百科(化学) 第50期:元代青花瓷器:BOB半岛·体育中国官方网站

发布时间:2024-10-04 00:49
本文摘要:Blue and White Porcelain of Yuan Dynasty元代青花瓷器The Yuan Dynasty is a key period for the development of the firing tech-niques of the Blue and White Porcelain in China. lts unique characteris-tics were based on the techniques of the former dynasties. The Blue and White Porcelain had become major porcelain product of China by the Ming and Qing Dy-nasties.元代是中国青花瓷器烧成工艺发展历史上的最重要时期。

Blue and White Porcelain of Yuan Dynasty元代青花瓷器The Yuan Dynasty is a key period for the development of the firing tech-niques of the Blue and White Porcelain in China. lts unique characteris-tics were based on the techniques of the former dynasties. The Blue and White Porcelain had become major porcelain product of China by the Ming and Qing Dy-nasties.元代是中国青花瓷器烧成工艺发展历史上的最重要时期。这世纪末在前代“釉下彩”等工艺的基础上逐步奠定、完备了青花瓷器的烧成技术,并构成了自身的独有风格。

到明清时期,青花瓷器早已发展沦为中国瓷器中的主要产品。The Blue and White Porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty is large in size, with thick roughcast. Generally there are big bottle, big pot, big bowl and big plate, with the traditional flavor of the Tang and Song dynasties. Due to the underdeveloped tech-niques, there are two infer-faces on the body and sever-al veins inside the body. The roughcast is not as smooth as that of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, while the glaze of the Blue and White Porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty is thicker than that of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, due to more iron in the raw material of the glaze.元代青花瓷器在造型方面具备胎骨厚实,式样极大的特点。少见的器形有大瓶、大罐、大碗、大盘等,这种造型承继了唐宋以来的传统风格。

由于当时的旋削技术较好,瓷器身上常有两道模块,一般大罐内也多有旋纹。元代青花瓷器的胎质,在淘洗技术上不如明清时期精细。元代青花瓷器的釉层一般比明清时期额薄,白釉地子的闪青程度也较明清只求,有可能是当时施釉坚硬和釉料中含铁量较多的缘故。There are lines like bamboo on the foot of the porcelain. The body is connect-ed with the foot when glaze has not been coated. The body is decorated with lines of lotus, clouds and lots of flowers.Dense decoration was not only applied to the blue and white porcelain but also to the picture weaving and stone carving, reflec-ting the unique characteristics of that time.在制作工艺上,元代青花瓷器的足部上下多有竹节状突起的弦纹,器身与器脚的接合部位,多使用胎接方式。


The major producer of the Blue and White Porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty was Jingdezhen. Besides, there were kilns for the blue and white porcelain production in Zhejiang Province, east of China and Yunnan Province, southwest of China.元代青花瓷器的主要产地是中国中部江西省的景德镇。此外在中国东部的浙江省和西南部的云南省,也有烧成青花瓷器的瓷窑。

本文关键词:BOB半岛·体育中国官方网站,BOB&BANDAO SPORTS
